System Information

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Estimated reading time: 1 min

In your assessment’s System Information menu, you’ll have the ability to add, edit, or delete data relating to your organization’s information system, leveraged systems, environments of operation, and any necessary diagrams pertaining to these sets of data.

All system information entered will be used appropriately throughout any deliverables, upon generation, should they require system information data.

Locating System Information

From the Assessment Dashboard, if you look to the left-side panel, you’ll see a number of options. System Info will be in the group below the main Dashboard link.

System Information - Location

Information System

Information System
a system composed of people and computers that processes or interprets information.

Here you’ll add the name, abbreviation, purpose of your information system. This should be your sole information for a single environment.

The information entered here is used to fill the dropdown for Inherited Controls.

Leveraged Systems

Under Leveraged Systems, you have the ability to add, edit, and delete the systems that you leverage. You can store multiple if you use more than one.
Once you’ve created a Leveraged System, if you click on that system, you can edit the name and contact info of that system in the panel to the right of the Leveraged System. These will change to match whichever Leveraged System is selected.

Environments of Operation

An Environment is the overall structure within which a user, computer, or program operates. There could be anywhere from one to several hundred environments in your overall Information System.

Common Examples: HQ, Seattle Office, Data Center, etc.

In this section, similar to Leveraged Systems above, you can add, edit and delete various Environments of Operation. After, you can select an environment and edit its Name, Environment Type, and Description.

System Diagrams

Here you can upload a diagram for one or both of:
  • your system’s Network Diagram (a technical diagram that identifies important network components)
  • your system’s System Boundary Diagram (a less technical diagram that clearly identifies the areas where CUI/CDI is stored, transmitted or processed, and as important the areas where it is not)

To upload, simply click within the box under the label of the diagram you wish to upload, select the file from your computer, and select to confirm. From now on out, these diagram will appear on you generated documentation.