CMMC v2.0 Mappings

CMMC v2.0 Mappings

“The CMMC model measures the implementation of the NIST SP 800-171 Rev 2 [4] security requirements. The practices originate from the safeguarding requirements and security requirements specified in FAR Clause 52.204-21 [3] and DFARS Clause 252.204-7012 [5], respectively.
  • – Level 1 is equivalent to all of the safeguarding requirements from FAR Clause 52.204-21.
  • – Level 2 is equivalent to all of the security requirements in NIST SP 800-171 Revision 2.
  • – Level 3 will be based on a subset of NIST SP 800-172 and more detailed information will be released at a later date.”

The table below shows the mappings of 800-171 controls through each iteration of CMMC.

For additional convenience, we’ll email you an excel spreadsheet with the contents of the table.

800-171 Requirement 800-171 CMMC 1.02 CMMC 2.0
Limit system access to authorized users, processes acting on behalf of authorized users, and devices (including other systems). 3.1.1 AC.1.001 AC.L1-3.1.1
Limit system access to the types of transactions and functions that authorized users are permitted to execute. 3.1.2 AC.1.002 AC.L1-3.1.2
Control the flow of CUI in accordance with approved authorizations. 3.1.3 AC.2.016 AC.L2-3.1.3
Separate the duties of individuals to reduce the risk of malevolent activity without collusion. 3.1.4 AC.3.017 AC.L2-3.1.4
Employ the principle of least privilege, including for specific security functions and privileged
3.1.5 AC.2.007 AC.L2-3.1.5
Use non-privileged accounts or roles when accessing nonsecurity functions. 3.1.6 AC.2.008 AC.L2-3.1.6
Prevent non-privileged users from executing privileged functions and capture the execution of
such functions in audit logs.
3.1.7 AC.3.018 AC.L2-3.1.7
Limit unsuccessful logon attempts. 3.1.8 AC.2.009 AC.L2-3.1.8
Provide privacy and security notices consistent with applicable CUI rules. 3.1.9 AC.2.005 AC.L2-3.1.9
Use session lock with pattern-hiding displays to prevent access and viewing of data after a
period of inactivity.
3.1.10 AC.2.010 AC.L2-3.1.10
Terminate (automatically) a user session after a defined condition. 3.1.11 AC.3.019 AC.L2-3.1.11
Monitor and control remote access sessions. 3.1.12 AC.2.013 AC.L2-3.1.12
Employ cryptographic mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of remote access sessions. 3.1.13 AC.3.014 AC.L2-3.1.13
Route remote access via managed access control points. 3.1.14 AC.2.015 AC.L2-3.1.14
Authorize remote execution of privileged commands and remote access to security-relevant
3.1.15 AC.3.021 AC.L2-3.1.15
Authorize wireless access prior to allowing such connections. 3.1.16 AC.2.011 AC.L2-3.1.16
Protect wireless access using authentication and encryption. 3.1.17 AC.3.012 AC.L2-3.1.17
Control connection of mobile devices. 3.1.18 AC.3.020 AC.L2-3.1.18
Encrypt CUI on mobile devices and mobile computing platforms. 3.1.19 AC.3.022 AC.L2-3.1.19
Verify and control/limit connections to and use of external systems. 3.1.20 AC.1.003 AC.L1-3.1.20
Limit use of portable storage devices on external systems. 3.1.21 AC.2.006 AC.L2-3.1.21
Control CUI posted or processed on publicly accessible systems. 3.1.22 AC.1.004 AC.L1-3.1.22
Ensure that managers, systems administrators, and users of organizational systems are made
aware of the security risks associated with their activities and of the applicable policies,
standards, and procedures related to the security of those systems.
3.2.1 AT.2.056 AT.L2-3.2.1
Ensure that personnel are trained to carry out their assigned information security-related
duties and responsibilities.
3.2.2 AT.2.057 AT.L2-3.2.2
Provide security awareness training on recognizing and reporting potential indicators of insider
3.2.3 AT.3.058 AT.L2-3.2.3
Create and retain system audit logs and records to the extent needed to enable the
monitoring, analysis, investigation, and reporting of unlawful or unauthorized system activity.
3.3.1 AU.2.042 AU.L2-3.3.1
Ensure that the actions of individual system users can be uniquely traced to those users, so
they can be held accountable for their actions.
3.3.2 AU.2.041 AU.L2-3.3.2
Review and update logged events. 3.3.3 AU.3.045 AU.L2-3.3.3
Alert in the event of an audit logging process failure. 3.3.4 AU.3.046 AU.L2-3.3.4
Correlate audit record review, analysis, and reporting processes for investigation and response to indications of unlawful, unauthorized, suspicious, or unusual activity. 3.3.5 AU.3.051 AU.L2-3.3.5
Provide audit record reduction and report generation to support on-demand analysis and
3.3.6 AU.3.052 AU.L2-3.3.6
Provide a system capability that compares and synchronizes internal system clocks with an authoritative source to generate time stamps for audit records. 3.3.7 AU.2.043 AU.L2-3.3.7
Protect audit information and audit logging tools from unauthorized access, modification, and
3.3.8 AU.3.049 AU.L2-3.3.8
Limit management of audit logging functionality to a subset of privileged users. 3.3.9 AU.3.050 AU.L2-3.3.9
Establish and maintain baseline configurations and inventories of organizational systems
(including hardware, software, firmware, and documentation) throughout the respective
system development life cycles.
3.4.1 CM.2.061 CM.L2-3.4.1
Establish and enforce security configuration settings for information technology products
employed in organizational systems.
3.4.2 CM.2.064 CM.L2-3.4.2
Track, review, approve or disapprove, and log changes to organizational systems. 3.4.3 CM.2.065 CM.L2-3.4.3
Analyze the security impact of changes prior to implementation. 3.4.4 CM.2.066 CM.L2-3.4.4
Define, document, approve, and enforce physical and logical access restrictions associated with changes to organizational systems. 3.4.5 CM.3.067 CM.L2-3.4.5
Employ the principle of least functionality by configuring organizational systems to provide
only essential capabilities.
3.4.6 CM.2.062 CM.L2-3.4.6
Restrict, disable, or prevent the use of nonessential programs, functions, ports, protocols, and services. 3.4.7 CM.3.068 CM.L2-3.4.7
Apply deny-by-exception (blacklisting) policy to prevent the use of unauthorized software or
deny-all, permit-by-exception (whitelisting) policy to allow the execution of authorized
3.4.8 CM.3.069, CM.4.073 CM.L2-3.4.8
Control and monitor user-installed software. 3.4.9 CM.2.063 CM.L2-3.4.9
Identify system users, processes acting on behalf of users, and devices. 3.5.1 IA.1.076 IA.L1-3.5.1
Authenticate (or verify) the identities of users, processes, or devices, as a prerequisite to
allowing access to organizational systems.
3.5.2 IA.1.077 IA.L1-3.5.2
Use multifactor authentication for local and network access to privileged accounts and for
network access to non-privileged accounts.
3.5.3 IA.3.083 IA.L2-3.5.3
Employ replay-resistant authentication mechanisms for network access to privileged and nonprivileged accounts. 3.5.4 IA.3.084 IA.L2-3.5.4
Prevent reuse of identifiers for a defined period. 3.5.5 IA.3.085 IA.L2-3.5.5
Disable identifiers after a defined period of inactivity. 3.5.6 IA.3.086 IA.L2-3.5.6
Enforce a minimum password complexity and change of characters when new passwords are
3.5.7 IA.2.078 IA.L2-3.5.7
Prohibit password reuse for a specified number of generations. 3.5.8 IA.2.079 IA.L2-3.5.8
Allow temporary password use for system logons with an immediate change to a permanent
3.5.9 IA.2.080 IA.L2-3.5.9
Store and transmit only cryptographically-protected passwords. 3.5.10 IA.2.081 IA.L2-3.5.10
Obscure feedback of authentication information. 3.5.11 IA.2.082 IA.L2-3.5.11
Establish an operational incident-handling capability for organizational systems that includes
preparation, detection, analysis, containment, recovery, and user response activities.
3.6.1 IR.2.092 IR.L2-3.6.1
Track, document, and report incidents to designated officials and/or authorities both internal
and external to the organization.
3.6.2 IR.3.098 IR.L2-3.6.2
Test the organizational incident response capability. 3.6.3 IR.3.099 IR.L2-3.6.3
Perform maintenance on organizational systems. 3.7.1 MA.2.111 MA.L2-3.7.1
Provide controls on the tools, techniques, mechanisms, and personnel used to conduct system
3.7.2 MA.2.112 MA.L2-3.7.2
Ensure equipment removed for off-site maintenance is sanitized of any CUI. 3.7.3 MA.3.115 MA.L2-3.7.3
Check media containing diagnostic and test programs for malicious code before the media are
used in organizational systems.
3.7.4 MA.3.116 MA.L2-3.7.4
Require multifactor authentication to establish nonlocal maintenance sessions via external
network connections and terminate such connections when nonlocal maintenance is complete.
3.7.5 MA.2.113 MA.L2-3.7.5
Supervise the maintenance activities of maintenance personnel without required access
3.7.6 MA.2.114 MA.L2-3.7.6
Protect (i.e., physically control and securely store) system media containing CUI, both paper
and digital.
3.8.1 MP.2.119 MP.L2-3.8.1
Limit access to CUI on system media to authorized users. 3.8.2 MP.2.120 MP.L2-3.8.2
Sanitize or destroy system media containing CUI before disposal or release for reuse. 3.8.3 MP.1.118 MP.L1-3.8.3
Mark media with necessary CUI markings and distribution limitations. 3.8.4 MP.3.122 MP.L2-3.8.4
Control access to media containing CUI and maintain accountability for media during transport outside of controlled areas. 3.8.5 MP.3.124 MP.L2-3.8.5
Implement cryptographic mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of CUI stored on digital media during transport unless otherwise protected by alternative physical safeguards. 3.8.6 MP.3.125 MP.L2-3.8.6
Control the use of removable media on system components. 3.8.7 MP.2.121 MP.L2-3.8.7
Prohibit the use of portable storage devices when such devices have no identifiable owner. 3.8.8 MP.3.123 MP.L2-3.8.8
Protect the confidentiality of backup CUI at storage locations. 3.8.9 RE.2.138 MP.L2-3.8.9
Screen individuals prior to authorizing access to organizational systems containing CUI. 3.9.1 PS.2.127 PS.L2-3.9.1
Ensure that organizational systems containing CUI are protected during and after personnel actions such as terminations and transfers. 3.9.2 PS.2.128 PS.L2-3.9.2
Limit physical access to organizational systems, equipment, and the respective operating
environments to authorized individuals.
3.10.1 PE.1.131 PE.L1-3.10.1
Protect and monitor the physical facility and support infrastructure for organizational systems. 3.10.2 PE.2.135 PE.L2-3.10.2
Escort visitors and monitor visitor activity. 3.10.3 PE.1.132 PE.L1-3.10.3
Maintain audit logs of physical access. 3.10.4 PE.1.133 PE.L1-3.10.4
Control and manage physical access devices. 3.10.5 PE.1.134 PE.L1-3.10.5
Enforce safeguarding measures for CUI at alternate work sites. 3.10.6 PE.3.136 PE.L2-3.10.6
Periodically assess the risk to organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, or
reputation), organizational assets, and individuals, resulting from the operation of organizational systems and the associated processing, storage, or transmission of CUI.
3.11.1 RM.2.141 RA.L2-3.11.1
Scan for vulnerabilities in organizational systems and applications periodically and when new
vulnerabilities affecting those systems and applications are identified.
3.11.2 RM.2.142 RA.L2-3.11.2
Remediate vulnerabilities in accordance with risk assessments. 3.11.3 RM.2.143 RA.L2-3.11.3
Periodically assess the security controls in organizational systems to determine if the controls
are effective in their application.
3.12.1 CA.2.158 CA.L2-3.12.1
Develop and implement plans of action designed to correct deficiencies and reduce or
eliminate vulnerabilities in organizational systems.
3.12.2 CA.2.159 CA.L2-3.12.2
Monitor security controls on an ongoing basis to ensure the continued effectiveness of the
3.12.3 CA.3.161 CA.L2-3.12.3
Develop, document, and periodically update system security plans that describe system boundaries, system environments of operation, how security requirements are implemented, and the relationships with or connections to other systems. 3.12.4 CA.2.157 CA.L2-3.12.4
Monitor, control, and protect communications (i.e., information transmitted or received by
organizational systems) at the external boundaries and key internal boundaries of organizational systems.
3.13.1 SC.1.175 SC.L1-3.13.1
Employ architectural designs, software development techniques, and systems engineering
principles that promote effective information security within organizational systems.
3.13.2 SC.3.180, SC.4.228 SC.L2-3.13.2
Separate user functionality from system management functionality. 3.13.3 SC.3.181 SC.L2-3.13.3
Prevent unauthorized and unintended information transfer via shared system resources. 3.13.4 SC.3.182 SC.L2-3.13.4
Implement subnetworks for publicly accessible system components that are physically or
logically separated from internal networks.
3.13.5 SC.1.176 SC.L1-3.13.5
Deny network communications traffic by default and allow network communications traffic by exception (i.e., deny all, permit by exception). 3.13.6 SC.3.183 SC.L2-3.13.6
Prevent remote devices from simultaneously establishing non-remote connections with
organizational systems and communicating via some other connection to resources in external
networks (i.e., split tunneling).
3.13.7 SC.3.184 SC.L2-3.13.7
Implement cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure of CUI during
transmission unless otherwise protected by alternative physical safeguards.
3.13.8 SC.3.185 SC.L2-3.13.8
Terminate network connections associated with communications sessions at the end of the sessions or after a defined period of inactivity. 3.13.9 SC.3.186 SC.L2-3.13.9
Establish and manage cryptographic keys for cryptography employed in organizational
3.13.10 SC.3.187 SC.L2-3.13.10
Employ FIPS-validated cryptography when used to protect the confidentiality of CUI. 3.13.11 SC.3.177 SC.L2-3.13.11
Prohibit remote activation of collaborative computing devices and provide indication of
devices in use to users present at the device.
3.13.12 SC.2.178 SC.L2-3.13.12
Control and monitor the use of mobile code. 3.13.13 SC.3.188 SC.L2-3.13.13
Control and monitor the use of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies. 3.13.14 SC.3.189 SC.L2-3.13.14
Protect the authenticity of communications sessions. 3.13.15 SC.3.190 SC.L2-3.13.15
Protect the confidentiality of CUI at rest. 3.13.16 SC.3.191 SC.L2-3.13.16
Identify, report, and correct system flaws in a timely manner. 3.14.1 SI.1.210 SI.L1-3.14.1
Provide protection from malicious code at designated locations within organizational systems. 3.14.2 SI.1.211 SI.L1-3.14.2
Monitor system security alerts and advisories and take action in response. 3.14.3 SI.2.214 SI.L2-3.14.3
Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available. 3.14.4 SI.1.212 SI.L1-3.14.4
Perform periodic scans of organizational systems and real-time scans of files from external
sources as files are downloaded, opened, or executed.
3.14.5 SI.1.213 SI.L1-3.14.5
Monitor organizational systems, including inbound and outbound communications traffic, to
detect attacks and indicators of potential attacks.
3.14.6 SI.2.216 SI.L2-3.14.6
Identify unauthorized use of organizational systems. 3.14.7 SI.2.217 SI.L2-3.14.7